What To Expect During Form 6 Orientation Week ( STPM )
Hi !! It's been 2 weeks since I became a form 6 science student. So, I would love to share with you a few things that I've gone through during orientation week . For me, orientation week is the most exhausting week ever !!!😂😂 DISCLAIMER : EVERYTHING THAT I WROTE HERE IS BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE. PACKAGES OFFERED AND ACTIVITIES THAT WERE CARRIED OUT MAY BE DIFFERENT FOR EACH PTE / KTE In this entry , I'll explain to you : 1.The difference between KTE and PTE 2.Package ( subjects ) offered 3. Activities that were carried out during Orientation week LET'S GOOO!!!!!! 1. what is the difference between KTE and PTE ? *KTE is Kolej Tingkatan 6 and PTE is Pusat Tingkatan 6 . For KTE , there are only form 6 students there, meanwhile for PTE you are going back to school with aliran perdana students . 2. You will be given a list of subject (or we call it package ) that is available at your school ( PTE ) or Kolej Tingkatan Enam ( KTE ) . At my school, we have 6 package...