Embracing Solitude : A New Perspective on Being Alone

Ever felt alone? 

Being dismissed, having no one to do group assignments with or having no one to talk to at work?

We often assume Solitude is a negative thing but let's change our perspective,shall we?


Because Happiness is our own choice. We decide what we allow into our hearts and minds.


Society often views being alone as loneliness, but in Islam ,Solitude has deep spiritual significance.

The Prophet Muhammad would seek Solitude in the Cave of Hira before receiving revelation.

1. Solitude as a path to strengthening Imaan 

Being Alone allows for deep reflection on one's purpose and connection with Allah. It helps in practicing Ikhlas in worship without seeking validation from others.

Now, let's take the Quran and Refer to Surah Al Baqarah ayat 186.

Read the ayat and the tafsir. What did you understand from the verse?

No matter how alone we feel, Allah is always near.

 Instead of dwelling on Solitude as something negative, we can use it to strengthen our connection with Allah. True peace comes not from people's presence but from knowing that Allah is always with us.

2. Finding Peace in the Remembrance of Allah

Dhikr is more effective in Solitude , where distractions are minimized 

The Prophet said , The best of people are those who remember Allah whether they are alone or with others ( Hadith Tirmidzi )

Simple ways to incorporate dhikr while alone is by reciting Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah,AllahuAkhbar .

Reflect on the meanings of the Quran . Make Dua sincerely , knowing Allah hears every whisper.

3. The Power Of Self Reflection & Personal Growth

Solitude helps in assessing one's actions,intentions, and relationships with others.

Umar Ibn Al - Khattab ( RA) advised : Take account of yourselves before you are taken to account .

Tips for self-reflection : Journaling about your spiritual goals and identify areas for self improvement ( patience,sincerity, gratitude )

4. Alone, but Never Lonely 

Remember, Allah is always near .

Let's refer to the Quran again, Surah At Tawbah , Ayat 40

What did you get from the ayat? Don't forget to read the tafsir as well.

Do not despair in Solitude , for Allah is always with us . With Him, we are never truly alone.

Seeking Solitude doesn't mean isolating oneself from the ummah

Remember, balance is key 🗝️ 

Engage in beneficial activity .

For instance, seeking knowledge ,helping others ( volunteering, sadaqah) and taking care of one self ( mental and physical health )

Now, let's slowly change our perspective, and take Solitude as a blessing .

Being alone is a gift when used to grow closer to Allah.

Instead of fearing loneliness , see it as an opportunity to strengthen the soul

You have Allah, you have everything.

It may hard to believe when life feels overwhelming, but trust that Allah's present never fade. Even in the darkest moments, He is with you, guiding and strengthening your heart.

May Allah ease your burdens, bring peace to your heart, and fill your life with His endless mercy and blessings. You are never alone for He is always with you.



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