
Gratitude: Finding Joy in the Smallest Blessings

 We often think that happiness lies in grand milestone like landing a dream job, travelling the world and etc. We often chase after big achievements which is great , but in doing so , we sometimes forget to appreciate the small things that make life truly beautiful. Imagine waking up one day, losing your sense of taste or imagine being unable to blink? That's so scary 😰 😰  These are the small blessings that we rarely acknowledge , right? The Power Of Shift In Perspective  Gratitude is not about having everything. It's about realising that what we already have is enough. The Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh) taught us to be grateful in all circumstances. " Look at those who are lower than you ( in wealth and in status) , and do not look at those above , lest you belittle the favours of Allah ( upon you) , ( Sahih Muslim ). This Hadith reminds us that shifting our perspective can lead to contentment. So.... How do we find gratitude in the small things? 1. Taakeeeeeee a deeeeeeeepp...

Embracing Solitude : A New Perspective on Being Alone

Ever felt alone?  Being dismissed, having no one to do group assignments with or having no one to talk to at work? We often assume Solitude is a negative thing but let's change our perspective,shall we? Why? Because Happiness is our own choice. We decide what we allow into our hearts and minds. Bismillah... Society often views being alone as loneliness, but in Islam ,Solitude has deep spiritual significance. The Prophet Muhammad would seek Solitude in the Cave of Hira before receiving revelation. 1. Solitude as a path to strengthening Imaan  Being Alone allows for deep reflection on one's purpose and connection with Allah. It helps in practicing Ikhlas in worship without seeking validation from others. Now, let's take the Quran and Refer to Surah Al Baqarah ayat 186. Read the ayat and the tafsir. What did you understand from the verse? No matter how alone we feel, Allah is always near.  Instead of dwelling on Solitude as something negative, we can use it to strengthen our...

Beyond Judgement ; The Power of Forgiveness as the ultimate Revenge

Let's be real. We are human. We make mistakes all the time. Sometimes we hurt someone, sometimes someone hurt us. And the cycle goes on and on and on. Let;'s discuss deeper.  Scenario : We bully someone because they make a mistake .  We try our hardest to shame them ( face shaming etc) as a punishment over the sin they've done. Without We Realizing, We Are Actually Taking Over God's Job . 1. Why does people judge so easily ? Human naturally form opinions, but rushing to judge without understanding leads misconception. Either the judement were made towards someone we knew or someone we just met or someone we bumped into at school,work,or wherever, should be kept in our mind only. There's no need to share it or voice it .  Put it in our mind that Allah is Al- Hakim. Only Allah have the right to judge . 2. The Hidden Burden Of Being Judgemental Realize it or not , judging others often reflects our own insecurities. We can be denial all we want but deep down we know rea...

Ujian Dan Jalan Pulang Kepada Allah

6 Rejab 1446 AH 6 January 2025  5:51 am  Jalan Taiping, Kuala Lumpur. Fitrah manusia. Kadang kala kita lupa. Lalu, Allah hadirkan ujian buat mereka yang terpilih, supaya kita kembali kepada Allah. Allah tidak mahu selamanya kita hanyut dengan arus dunia. Cuma hati, yang kadang kala terlalu ' buta' untuk melihat hikmah.  Kisah saya.  Beberapa bulan lepas, saya memulakan clinical di salah sebuah hospital kerajaan di ibu kota. Semestinya, perasaan gementar, excited ,takut semua Ada. Pada awalnya, semuanya berjalan dengan sangat lancar. Sehinggakan saya berasa sangat sangat seronok. I got attached to that place. Saya meletakkan 50% of punca kebahagiaan saya di situ.  Tiada hidup yang sempurna.  Lalu, sampai di sela masa tertentu, Allah hadirkan ujian sebagai teguran untuk saya kembali kepada Allah. Bertubi-tubi, pelbagai jenis, sehinggakan saya berasa teramat  kecewa, buntu Dan sedih. Sepanjang usia saya, tidak pernah saya sebuntu ini. Kerana ianya melibat...

Continuation Of Form 6 Orientation Week

 Hello everyone!!!!!  * clear throat * Now that almost a year has passed since my last post, here is the most recent update. I'm not a student in form 6 anymore. After two weeks of becoming a form 6 student, I received UPU offer. After giving it a lot of thought, I have decided to pursue UPU instead of staying in form 6. I would rather stay if you asked me, but what can I do?😭 Nevertheless, I still really miss everything about form 6. Alright! I HAVE TO MOVE ON. I never knew it was this hard to let go 😭😣 I'm now a Diploma Radiography student at UniSZA. Let me tell you something: I'm in my third semester at the moment. I had homesickness in both Sem 1 and Short Semester. What did I do? I sobbed through every single day. Things do get better, even a little bit, it is still an improvement. For next semester (4th semester), I will be in HTA for practical. Hopefully I manage to write more about it later. Studying is fine, everything is fine. But deep down, I don't kno...

What To Expect During Form 6 Orientation Week ( STPM )

Hi !! It's been 2 weeks since I became a form 6 science student. So, I would love to share with you  a few things that I've gone through during orientation week . For me, orientation week is the most exhausting week ever !!!😂😂 DISCLAIMER : EVERYTHING THAT I WROTE HERE IS BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE. PACKAGES OFFERED AND ACTIVITIES THAT WERE CARRIED OUT MAY BE DIFFERENT FOR EACH PTE / KTE In this entry , I'll explain to you : 1.The difference between KTE and PTE 2.Package ( subjects ) offered 3. Activities  that were carried out during Orientation week LET'S GOOO!!!!!! 1. what is the difference between KTE and PTE ? *KTE is Kolej Tingkatan 6 and PTE is Pusat Tingkatan 6 . For KTE , there are only form 6 students there, meanwhile for PTE you are going back to school with aliran perdana students . 2. You  will be given a list of subject (or we call it package ) that is available at your school ( PTE ) or Kolej Tingkatan Enam ( KTE ) .  At my school, we have  6 package...